Boala/Afectiunea tratată: Diabetis tip A
Vârsta la care a avut loc tratamentul: 57
Timpul de așteptare la intrarea în cabinet: imediat
Diabetes – at the very first moment a shocking news. But in this hospital you are very well cared. The medical profession is on the highest european level. Doctors – and i have to name specific Doctor Gral. Medic primar Zetu Cornelia and her team with also specific Dr. Radu Andra Elena, which are treating patients with so much human attention and professionalism. Thank you and i stay with the greatest respect for your hard work.
Boala/Afectiunea tratată: diabet
Vârsta la care a avut loc tratamentul: 44 ani
Timpul de așteptare la intrarea în cabinet: –
O recomand cu caldura tuturor cunostintelor mele cu diabet zaharat pe d-na dr. Zetu Cornelia.